Welcome! My guest today is Ashleigh Mills, who originally trained as a social worker in Australia. She worked in clinical mental health and policy for over 10 years, but then followed her heart to begin writing creatively at age 32. Ashleigh began her blog on life, love, travel, and her crazy cat lady stories. She later started a freelancing writing business focusing on adventure and travel articles.
In 2015, she traveled to Bali and the Philippines to write stories with her husband, who is a fashion and travel photographer. Ashleigh is always busy planning her next adventure. Let’s jump into the conversation!
In this episode, you’ll learn:
How this podcast has been encouraging and refreshing for Ashleigh, hearing other women’s perspectives, and knowing she isn’t alone in her journey.
How Ashleigh’s child-free life is a choice that resulted from ambivalence toward motherhood, even though she always assumed she would have “the urge” some day.
Ashleigh has seen the “bad” side of family from her social work experience; she believes that unless you are 120% committed as a couple, you shouldn’t undertake parenting.
Like others, Ashleigh has experienced insensitive questions and comments about her life choices.
She finds creative and nurturing outlets through her writing.
How being child-free allows you to nurture relationships with other children and support other family members who are parents.
How Ashleigh was privileged to experience several positive child-free role models in her childhood, that made it a valid option for her.
How Ashleigh has experienced the myths and stereotypes, “that life is meaningless and empty without a child”.
“Our lives are full. We share common goals. I don’t feel anything is missing.” Share on X
How Ashleigh encourages women to be supportive in whatever decisions they make and not pass judgment upon others who chose a different pathway than your own
How the change must start with the media and how “the ideal life” is portrayed
You can find Ashleigh’s blog here
I do hope you enjoyed this episode. Please subscribe and share with another woman who would benefit from this wisdom.
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