Welcome! My guest today is Jennifer Spaulding, a relationship coach, speaker, writer, and passionate supporter of single women. Her own journey from being single into her late 30’s to finding real love with her husband helps her teach others about healthy and meaningful relationships.
Jennifer has been featured in several publications and has spent 20 years coaching clients with her relationship expertise. Jennifer lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and dog. Let’s talk with Jennifer!
There are other ways to love, nurture, and mentor people in relationships besides parenthood. Share on X
What you’ll hear in this episode:
Jennifer always assumed she would be a mother because that was what was modelled for her as she grew up.
At age 16, she began having issues that she suspected would affect her fertility.
At age 30, she was single and decided to adopt a dog (instead of a child.)
She met her husband at age 39 but had recently discovered that she had premature ovarian failure, which meant early menopause symptoms. So often we never hear about these types of health issues, until we are investigating if there is a problem.
She later found out that two aunts in her family had also gone through menopause prior to age 40.
Jennifer experienced a grieving process to mourn the loss of the possibility of motherhood, but also because she was single and didn’t have the relationship she wanted.
When you are single and childless, there is a heightened awareness of people around you who have what you do not. It can be very isolating.
Jennifer was nervous about dating and having the difficult conversation with a potential spouse about having a child, so early on in the connection. It can be very sensitive and awkward to have these conversations so early on.
Telling her then boyfriend (now husband) was a positive experience, as even though he had always wanted children too, but he valued their relationship first and he was very supportive.
Immediately after their marriage, they felt the pressure and heard the questions about when they would start a family.
Jennifer and her husband have both found other ways to love, nurture, and mentor people in other relationships besides parenthood.
They both have the gift of more free time to serve others in various ways since they don’t have children.
The benefits for Jennifer to not having children are having time to write, speak, coach, and mentor to help others.
She also appreciates being able to cultivate a great relationship with her husband, since they started their lives together later in life than most people.
She and her husband love to travel and explore together, and Jennifer loves to find joy in her own life and help others do the same.
Find out more about Jennifer and her work here.
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