For more than a decade, I’ve been traversing a deeply personal path of self-love. This has impacted ALL of my relationships and friendships as I’ve gone through various cycles of transformation.  So many people, circumstances and patterns of being have fallen away.

One of the major areas that is unavoidable if we are truly committed (and not just jumping on the current ‘self-love bandwagon’) is to bring ourselves into a space of increased balance with our own divine inner masculine and feminine energies. This impacts our relationships in a more meaningful and healthy way.

Last August I completed a gorgeous retreat in Bali “Awakening the Divine Feminine” with Wild Heart Awakening. I was with a truly inspiring group of 17 women. I was contemplating the many amazing women in my life.  Here are 7 that I would love you to meet, if you haven’t already.  (This may become a regular post as I know so many incredible women….).Bali is such an intensely feminine place so I highly recommend if you need a holiday to honour the divine feminine energy in your life.

Even though they may seem very different initially, these ladies have one thing very much in common. LOVE. They communicate with so much love from their big hearts.  In no particular order (all equally amazing), I’d love you to welcome these ladies into your world if they are not already present.  I promise you, your life will be greatly enriched.

Beata Alfoldi of Wild Heart Awakening     

I met Beata several years ago and I’m honoured to call this inspiring lady a close friend, as we’ve shared each other’s journeys.  She is truly walking her path and embodying all she teaches. Beata is one of the most powerful facilitators I’ve experienced (and I’ve done sooooo many workshops and courses over the years).  Beata is a teacher, workshop facilitator, shamanic and energetic practitioner, yoga teacher and speaker.  She is passionate about inspiring individuals to find their own connection to spirit, soul, and nature, and the courage to live a life that is authentic, free, embodied and radiantly alive!

2013 seemed to be a year of so many being called to host retreats in Bali. When I saw that Beata was hosting her first “Awakening the Divine Feminine Retreat” I had a feeling that I would be there. So there I was, soaking up the lush fertility of Bali.  I encourage you to get yourself to one of Beata’s events that are occurring all over Australia – and shortly the globe if my intuition is correct (of course it is).  The dates are already set for the 2014 retreat in Bali so do yourself a favour and book your special place here. Little did I know at the time what the universe had in store and we would be moving in together as housemates a few months later…

Sarah Prout        

I first connected with Sarah a few years ago, via her wonderful blog.  I then went on to contribute a chapter about my journey into self-love in “Love & Oneness”, one of the books in the best-selling Adventures in Manifesting series, alongside inspiring ladies such as Marianne Williamson, Lisa McCourt and Danielle Laporte.  It was such an enjoyable experience that I highly recommend. Sarah is an entrepeneur, writer, publisher and author, who is passionate about helping others see their potential and ignite their entrepeneurial sparkle!  She’s certainly living her purpose. Do yourself a favour, check out her blog and get your free manifesting workbook.

I’m fortunate to be enjoying a place in Sarah’s Sprout Mastermind group with many lovely and inspiring ladies from around the world.   Sarah and her partner Sean have also created Verbii Publishing, a self-publishing company that ensures that writers are fully empowered to tell their stories and receive 100% of profits from their work.  Sarah writes in a very open, real way and is immediately relatable to all women.

Adele McConnell, Aka VegieHead

This lady makes me smile every time I see her beautiful face. When I first met her, we chatted like we’d known each other our whole lives. I resonate with her message of empowering people to make healthy choices that are right for them and live their best lives.

Adele creates food with integrity, food with power. She mentors clients all over the world with her unique Recipe for Life sessions, works with restaurants and cafés to integrate vegan food on their menus, teaches private cooking and health classes, and her first published cookbook “The Vegan Cookbook” has just been released worldwide!

Adele spends time mentoring her clients on what and how to eat, how to shop for the best produce, and how to cook in today’s time poor lifestyle. Extremely passionate and generous, I highly recommend you check out her inspirational, guilt-free divine recipes and her fabulous ebooks.  She also hosted amazing ‘Intuitive Cooking’ classes around Australia to encourage us to  reconnect with our innate creative abilities.  No doubt there will be more amazing events in 2014!  So join her free membership site now and get loads of free goodies here.

Julie Parker of Beautiful You

Julie and I connected a few years ago in the Self-love Community via the magical world of Facebook, for which I’ll be eternally grateful.  I was immediately drawn to Julie’s big, generous heart combined with clear-sighted common sense.  A winning combination! We co-hosted “A Day of Self-love” in Melbourne in October 2012, with Kerry Belviso (see below) and have spoken together about self-love at “The Greatest Gift” event in Sydney and featured in various online programs.  Julie is a true ally.

Julie has a wealth of knowledge and experience as a life and business coach, counsellor, social worker, inspirational speaker, author and advocate for positive body image.  Julie believes that self-love, self-confidence, self-belief, self-compassion and self-respect are the cornerstones to finding that real and lasting personal happiness we are all heart searching for.  If you can put the word ‘self’ before it and make it be a word that has depth, love, meaning, creativity and belonging – she’s on it like a piece of raw mint chocolate.

Julie is currently creating a wonderful coaching program (first round is already booked out!) for women who are ready to create their own coaching practice.  She’s also created a wonderful digital guide “Build Your Biz & Blog With Love”.  You can also check out this short Youtube video where I asked Julie about what she’d noticed about the entrepeneurs that she spoke to whilst creating the guide.  Let Julie into your world and your life will be forever enhanced with her inspirational and uplifting encouragement.  If you are interested in becoming a Life Coach, Julie has now launched her fabulous Beautiful You Coaching Academy. Check it out!

Alexandra Franzen

Alexandra is one of the few people that I’m always delighted to see visiting my inbox. Truly.  Her newsletters always make me smile and also make me ponder all sorts, as she raises relevant questions about communicating, love and life.  She’s a writer, teacher, creative minx and author of 50 Ways To Say You’re Awesome.  She wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters are brave, and ‘thank you’ notes are scribbled by hand.

I have long been a fan and had the pleasure of a personal ‘Velocity Session’ (not currently available due to so much demand for her fabulousness!), where she cast her laser beams over some of my communication and an upcoming product project. I recommend her in a heartbeat, so get yourself along to one of her worldwide workshops “Write Yourself Into Motion” which will be happening in Australia too, dates tbc. I’m sooo looking forward to it!  In the meantime you can check out her scripts and pre-order her book here.  You won’t regret it. You will only wish you had connected sooner 😉

Kerry Belviso of Awaken Kinesiology

Kerry is another lady that I met through the wonders of social media a few years ago. I’ve been delighted to have connected with this caring and compassionate gem.

Kerry has a very busy international kinesiology practice. Through Kinesiology sessions Kerry helps clients get clear on what is blocking them from moving forwards, releasing stressors from the past and feeling more connected to themselves and their needs. Kerry works with those who are experiencing some of the following issues: depression, adrenal fatigue, anxiety, perfectionism, stress, fear and overwhelm.  I’m delighted to be currently contributing to Kerry’s “” ecourse with 11 other experts, which has just started.  Check it out and listen to the free call with lots of tips that you can implement now.

Check out this brief video where Kerry shares with me how she uses Sacred Self Alchemical oils in her kinesiology practice to support her clients.

I also highly recommend Kerry’s , which you can use to balance yourself so that you are in alignment with a specific goal or intention.  This is one of my secret supports that I use a couple of times each week, which brings me a lot of insights when I’m feeling stuck with a particular intention.  I love working with the chakra cards and combining it with EFT. Try it out and let me know how you go!

So there you have it – some brief info about 6 lovely ladies who are inspiring me.    I look forward to embracing more of my feminine gifts and stepping more deeply into the mystery of the divine feminine with you all.

See this post for even MORE ladies I’m loving, see here.

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