When we have a full moon or a lunar eclipse, often patterns are illuminated that we had not been aware of. OR patterns that we had been aware of, but had been ignoring….but realise that we can’t ignore any longer.
When we see certain situations in glaring technicolour, we can’t then un-see them. We know that change has to take place.
Ignore those messages at your peril and yep, they will come back to bite you.
One decision that I made is that as of 30th September, I’m no longer selling single bottles of 15ml Alchemical oils (except Self-love and Truth) and will be removing them from my site. There will be a minimum 3 bottles requirement. You can choose your own 3 pack here.
You will also be able to buy the mini chakra kits and Alchemical You aromatic journaling packages, which I created a few years ago, as a response to constantly being asked about various ways to work with the oils. This is one of my favourite ways. There are also the roll-on natural perfume bottles too. I’m not sure how long I will leave the roll-ons up as I’m feeling the need to update these ingredients too.
I do still create personalised Sacred Scents in combination with a Sacred Self session too if you would like your very own special magic bottle to support whatever you are experiencing at this time. And of course I still work very much with Womb Awakening sessions to birth whatever you are creating.
I came to this decision about selling the single bottles about 3 years ago and removed them. After constantly receiving emails from people saying “I just want a bottle of this. I just want a bottle of that.” I caved in.
I ended up putting them back on the site…. Yet it hasn’t been working for me…. In full transparency I barely cover costs. This is not taking into the account the time involved in creating, vibrational essence creation, bottling, packaging up and then posting. Or the emails back and forth, with some expecting free consultations (yep true).
A soul path yes. An external manifestation of some of my soul medicine gifts yes, but something has to shift. How I structure what I’m doing has to transform and evolve. It also has to support and nourish me, otherwise I can’t effectively serve or support anyone else.
I need to value my natural gifts and professional expertise more. So often when something comes naturally and intuitively to us (not to mention thousands invested in professional education and learning), there can be a tendency to not value it as much. That’s been one of my biggest life lessons.
Being about to move into a lakeside cabin in a forest and having to simplify (on all levels) puts much into perspective!
The majority of people who buy the alchemical oils are holistic businesses and they email me directly to purchase a minimum order at a reduced rate. That will still continue for the time being, but there will be changes as of 1st November.
These creations have been a labour of love for me for the last 17 years+ and so of course I am emotionally attached but everything changes. Yes there have been tears. As you may know, this journey started very unexpectedly for me. I just had a giggle at this old video from about 5 years ago where I share how that started for me.
I’ve had so much creativity percolating with ideas for new offerings, for a few years, but I knew they were not going to be created whilst I was still in Australia. Now it’s time to create the space.
I’ve had my transition time after landing back in the UK and it’s time for me to explore what else is wanting to come into the physical. A few goodies are mid-process and I will receive them fully in the creative winter cave here at Rosemere.
There are a few contributing factors. When you have more than 30+ combinations and so many ingredients it’s impossible to benefit from economies of scale. I also like to use organic where possible. I haven’t increased the prices in accordance with the increases that I pay for supplies. My decision. That was because I wanted them to be accessible.
Trying to keep a stock level for so many different variables when prices increase every year is no easy feat. Added to this are labels, postcards, photography, website maintenance, hosting etc. It’s endless expense. Now of course the labels all need updating too, in accordance with my move to another country.
As we all naturally evolve and change, so too do our businesses and what we want to create. There are a few combinations that I would love to tweak and update. Maybe in time, I will….
There’s also been so many changes in the way that essential oil related products are bought now. You would have to have been living under a rock to be unaware of the MLM bandwagon. Sadly, this has had a huge detrimental knock-on affect for many professional aromatherapists. It’s hard not to feel disheartened when your professional qualifications and years of experience seem to count for nothing. Some I know have gone out of business and others have diversified into other areas because “no-one needs to pay for professional advice then they can ‘get it for free’ in a FB group.” This is a harsh reality and a controversial topic.
When I think of the 2+ years I spent studying my Aromatherapy Diploma (all face-to-face, tactile hands-on study). This included subjects such as Anatomy & Physiology (for a year), Anatomy & Physiology for Aromatherapy specifically, Chemistry & Pharmacology of Essential Oils (so all the ‘chemical free’ claims – impossible!), Aromatherapy Techniques (all different applications), Advanced Aromatherapy, Aromatherapy Massage, Swedish Massage, Remedial Massage, Advanced Blending, Soap making, Aromatherapy for Pregnancy and more…
Added to this is all my other study and experience. Some of which is here.
After completing the course components, I then had to complete a supervised Aromatherapy clinic offering appointments to the general public – about 80 hours – creating solutions to all sorts of ailments: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Then, we were able to graduate from the Diploma. I realised it was only the BEGINNING of my learning….
Then the additional 15 years of actually working with clients and product creation and experience, that you can’t get from reading a manual or a webinar…. However, it’s a reflection of so much that is occurring in the online world, with everyone wanting a quick fix or that old chestnut ‘passive income’.
I’ve given up entering into discussions over the past couple of years, due to constant gas-lighting and being shut down for ‘being negative’ when querying ridiculous claims and sometimes dangerous practices (an understatement). When you question the fact that someone is completely unqualified to give advice to the general public (not to mention also uninsured) it’s apparently due to not having an abundance mindset. Good luck with objecting to that 🙂
Ultimately, it’s not about anyone else. I also realise that “you don’t know what you don’t know”.
I’m more interested in putting my energy into what I’m creating. There’s something incredibly magical and satisfying in making something yourself and sharing that with others.
I’m a Creatrix and always have been. I’m a big vision double Piscean with a LOT of fire in the mix. (Hello Leo Rising and 3 planets in Sag in my house of creativity).
I’m always creating, learning and exploring. I’m a woman of cycles and seasons. I’m multi-passionate. As I choose to embrace this fact and live by this more consciously, then letting go is all part of the natural cycle. So much is percolating and getting ready to be birthed. So it’s all good and I’m excited.
Now I’m putting down roots and creating a bricks and mortar business with my partner here in magical Cornwall and I couldn’t be happier. We’re creating a retreat space, eco cabins, labyrinth, all sorts of magic, which is the culmination of a clear vision I received nearly 20 years ago. I also want to focus on writing, which keeps being putting off and sidetracked. This has been constantly niggling at me.
It feels right to simplify and make a conscious choice to focus on what is supporting me and not depleting me. Again, it’s just another level of self-care and self-love. This was the small seed planted when I started Sacred Self. It’s always been about my relationship with self-love and how that evolves.
Our businesses are an extension of us to a degree, and as we evolve they must evolve too. It’s time to go inward to open up to a different type of expansion. I’m very excited about this new chapter in my life and looking forward to sharing the journey with you. Thanks for being here.