What are you creating?

What are you creating?

Since last year (2015), when I created a podcast series called 'Unclassified Woman' about the topic of women who are childfree or childless, by circumstance or choice, I’ve been doing so much reading and discussing of the topic. I discovered that one of the...

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7 Self-love Intentions for Singles

7 Self-love Intentions for Singles

When you have been single for a while and are feeling ready for a new relationship, there can be a tendency to presume that everything would be ‘better’ if only we were with ‘Mr or Mrs Right’. No-one is a stranger to dreaming about meeting that ‘perfect’ person. Apart...

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Alchemical You

Alchemical You

In this fast-paced, artificially fragranced world, we’ve forgotten that the true power of scent is sacred and subtle. The power of aroma transforms and transports us to other realms, states and worlds. Our sense of smell is so deeply connected to our sense of...

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Best Life Coach Training In The World

Best Life Coach Training In The World

Do you dream of having a life where you are assisting others to create a life of their dreams? You are in the right place. Read on! Check out my audio interview with Julie Parker, Founder of the Beautiful You Coaching Academy aka The Best Life Coach Training In The...

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Unclassified Woman Podcast is live!

Unclassified Woman Podcast is live!

I'm very excited that my podcast series Unclassified Woman is live in itunes.  It also coincides with International Childfree Day on 1st August! It’s for women who don’t have, or don’t intend to have children, but do intend to create a meaningful life they...

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Do you follow the signs?

Do you follow the signs?

Have you ever had such clear messages from the Universe that you were utterly compelled to follow them? Even (and especially) when they make no logical sense. The important ones rarely do, it seems. I’m just back from a wonderful trip to the USA and amidst the joy of...

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Why do you want a child?

Why do you want a child?

Why do you want a child?  A question that is rarely (if ever) asked. As a little girl, I was acutely aware of the presumption that one day I would grow up, meet a ‘nice’ man, get married and have children. “You’ll understand when you’ve got a child of your own.”  I...

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Ladies I’m Loving

Ladies I’m Loving

It's a time of celebration!  It was my birthday last week and today is International Women's Day and so it seems like the perfect time to also highlight some ladies I'm loving!  I've not done one of these posts for a while and so without further ado. As the...

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Childless or Childfree?

Childless or Childfree?

I'm very excited about an upcoming podcast series that I'm creating called Unclassified Woman. It’s for women who don’t have, or don’t intend to have children, but do intend to create a meaningful life they love. Unclassified Woman gives voice to the 25% of Western...

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An Ode To Your Heart

An Ode To Your Heart

As we glide into February, it’s impossible to miss all the references to Valentine’s Day with greeting cards and gift possibilities in every shop. There is no shortage of suggestions for declaring love to your romantic partner. I was pondering for the umpteenth time...

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What’s your signature oil?

What’s your signature oil?

Each essential oil has its own little (or big) personality, qualities and specific attributes that can impact us therapeutically on many levels, This is what makes them the amazing supportive, divine tools from Mother Earth that they are! When you are consciously...

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Self-love Coaching

Self-love Coaching

Self-Love Coaching For Unclassified Women  ❤  Birth Your Most Empowered Self  ❤  For women who are childless or childfree ❤  So now that having children is off your agenda, what do you intend to do with your sacred life?  Chances are you’re well and truly fed up with...

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