by michellemariemcgrath | May 11, 2017 | Divine Feminine, Me Time, Michelle Marie McGrath
Standing at the doorway of not yet – so what now? What if in the ‘meantime’ really means in the ‘me-time’ and is an invitation to go deep, right into ourselves? The blank page of not-yet-ready-to-be-seen. What if these in-between...
by michellemariemcgrath | Nov 30, 2013 | Alchemical Oils, Emotional, Financial, Me Time, Mental, Nutritional, Physical, Self-love, Spiritual
There are so many layers to the wonderful, complex beings that we are. On a subtle level we have various energy systems including the chakras. The word chakra derives from a Sanskrit word, meaning wheel. The chakras are energy centres that align with...
by michellemariemcgrath | Nov 24, 2013 | Alchemical Oils, Financial, Me Time, Self-love, Spiritual
This is a topic that I’m asked about regularly. I have many but decided to list 5 of my favourite self-love rituals. These are sacred practices that I have developed over the last 15 years or so, during my own personal spiritual explorations and study. In...
by michellemariemcgrath | Nov 18, 2013 | Emotional, Financial, Me Time, Mental, Nutritional, Physical, Self-love, Sexual, Spiritual
Now that the term self-love has gone mainstream and seems to be the latest marketing opportunity for every man and his dog, it’s obvious that there’s a huge lack of understanding around what It actually means. The outdated reference to narcissism still occasionally...