by michellemariemcgrath | Nov 14, 2017 | Divine Feminine, Michelle Marie McGrath, Travel
After having spent the last 20 years in Australia, I decided to share a new exciting chapter in my life, about moving to Cornwall, the most south-western point in England.On a practical note, if you are considering a visit to Cornwall (why wouldn’t you be?)...
by michellemariemcgrath | Feb 10, 2017 | Divine Feminine, Spiritual, Travel
As mentioned previously, France has always had a special place dans mon coeur. Today I will share a little of about my time in the medieval walled city Carcassonne. If you’re planning a trip here (and why wouldn’t you be), you can fly directly and...
by michellemariemcgrath | Jan 1, 2017 | Alchemical Oils, Childfree/Childless, Divine Feminine, Michelle Marie McGrath, Travel
Where to start? Ah la France Je t’adore! I always believed I would live somewhere French-speaking. I spent time as an infant in Belgium where my Mum got a job, worked as an au pair in Paris at 19, a Modern Languages student at age 23 in...
by michellemariemcgrath | Dec 26, 2016 | Alchemical Oils, Aromatherapy, Childfree/Childless, Michelle Marie McGrath, Spiritual, Travel
Back in June 2012, I started to see the image of a baby inside a bubble of cobalt blue light. It was literally floating and bouncing around me in my auric field. I was puzzled as I did not feel that having a child was a priority. I was not even in a relationship! A...
by michellemariemcgrath | Oct 22, 2011 | Alchemical Oils, Emotional, Self-love, Spiritual, Travel
As part of the process of grounding the energy of the Fatherlove Alchemical oil, I went to Uluru in September 2011, the spiritual heart of Australia. It was a profound experience. I decided to share insights into the sorts of things I experience during the...