by michellemariemcgrath | Apr 23, 2016 | Emotional, Mental, Physical, Self-love, Spiritual
Since last year (2015), when I created a podcast series called ‘Unclassified Woman’ about the topic of women who are childfree or childless, by circumstance or choice, I’ve been doing so much reading and discussing of the topic. I discovered that one...
by michellemariemcgrath | Feb 23, 2015 | Alchemical Oils, Childfree/Childless, Emotional, Financial, Mental, Physical, Self-love, Sexual, Spiritual
I’m very excited about an upcoming podcast series that I’m creating called Unclassified Woman. It’s for women who don’t have, or don’t intend to have children, but do intend to create a meaningful life they love. Unclassified Woman gives voice to the 25%...
by michellemariemcgrath | Jan 2, 2015 | Emotional, Mental, Physical, Self-love, Sexual, Spiritual
Each essential oil has its own little (or big) personality, qualities and specific attributes that can impact us therapeutically on many levels, This is what makes them the amazing supportive, divine tools from Mother Earth that they are! When you are consciously...
by michellemariemcgrath | Dec 17, 2014 | Childfree/Childless, Emotional, Financial, Mental, Nutritional, Physical, Self-love, Sexual, Spiritual
Self-Love Coaching For Unclassified Women ❤ Birth Your Most Empowered Self ❤ For women who are childless or childfree ❤ So now that having children is off your agenda, what do you intend to do with your sacred life? Chances are you’re well and truly fed up with...
by michellemariemcgrath | Oct 16, 2014 | Alchemical Oils, Physical, Self-love, Spiritual
In Australia from 20-24th October we are celebrating Natural Beauty Week, a great initiative created by the College of Natural Beauty, the sister company to Endeavour College of Natural Health It’s an opportunity to re-evaluate the products that we use, the chemicals...
by michellemariemcgrath | Aug 5, 2014 | Alchemical Oils, Emotional, Kinesiology, Mental, Physical, Practitioners, Self-love, Spiritual
It’s the time when I share the wonderful work that a practitioner is doing with their clients and how they also incorporate the use of the Alchemical oils into their practice. Today we will hear from the lovely Donella Storey of Meraki Healing in Melbourne,...