Today, I am very happy to launch my new long-awaited blog page with the perfect guest post from Renée Longworth, Feng Shui Consultant and Energetic Healing Practitioner. I love all things energy and over the past 15 years or so have explored and studied many energetic healing modalities. I am fascinated by how powerful Feng Shui principles can be and how they can support our lives. I decided to call upon Renée‘s expertise to give us all some pointers. Enjoy!
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When Michelle first offered me a spot on her blog I was delighted!
Though in the following weeks, I caught a virus (uurggh) and it left me feeling flat. My enthusiasm to get back to my business declined and my negative mental chatter had kicked in overdrive. Damn it, I was down.
After wallowing in my ‘down-ness’ for a day or so, I came to the conclusion that it was time for it to go. Unfortunately I was also unmotivated to meditate or embark on any self-healing mission. So I decided the best thing I could do was to focus on my space whilst getting my body moving.
It was time I put my big Feng Shui pants on and shift some energy in my home.
Sadly, our front yard had been a little neglected due to business commitments and desperately needed some TLC.
The weeds were up, some plants had died and any flourishing plants had been over looked. The front of our house was covered in spider webs and the walls and door was dirty with dust.
‘My goodness what sort of Feng Shui consultant was I?’ I thought. We had created Sha Qi in the front of our home.
Sha Qi is any energy which creates negativity or has the potential to cause harm e.g. run-down or broken items, contaminated water, ugly looking objects, bad smells, peeling paint etc. Sha Qi may drain your energy and make you feel tired and unmotivated.
Not only does your home reflect you but you will also reflect your home. Homes are amazing entities – yes I said entities- as they are a living, breathing expression of you and your family dynamics. And at that moment, my home and I were reflecting each other.
For the following two days I pulled weeds, planted beautiful flowers, fed and nurtured the earth, washed walls and made the front of our home beautiful. And guess what? It now feeeels goooooood. And I feel good.
My Feng Shui makeover created the shift that I needed. And I had created Sheng Qi for our home.
Sheng Qi is anything that is beautiful or triggers positive feelings in you. It’s fresh flowers, beautiful music, cool breezes or something that captures your attention to fuel your passion. Sheng Qi inspires and uplifts, connects you with positive energy and makes you feel nurtured. It is the equivalent of filling your space with Love.
My personal saying is; ‘You deserve beauty. It is the natural and tangible reflection of Love’.
Ultimately, when you nurture your space and make it beautiful you are also nurturing yourself and allowing you to feel Love.
Are you creating Sheng Qi in your space?
It maybe time for you to put your big Feng Shui pants on!
Here are 7 quick Feng Shui Self-Love Tips to get you started, but be warned once you start you may not be able to stop! 😉
♥Declutter your home as clutter creates Sha Qi. When you declutter you open up to abundance.
♥Pick a space in your home you don’t like and give it a makeover.
♥Fill your space with items that you LOVE and discard anything that you don’t like or holds negative memories for you.
♥Nurture your space with healthy plants and flowers in active areas of the home.
♥Play your favourite music often.
♥Light candles smeared with Michelle’s Alchemical Oils.
♥Bless your home and give thanks to it for supporting and sheltering you; burn incense, burn essential oils, use a singing bowl or bells.
Thank you soo much for that advice Renée and we look hearing more from you very soon. In Part 2, we will be learning how to bring love into different areas of our lives using Feng Shui.
Recently I enjoyed Renee’s ebook “12 Office Feng Shui must-do’s for female entrepeneurs” and was shocked to realise that my bin was in the abundance area! I moved it quicksmart as you can imagine and also gave the compass on my iphone a good work out as I examined what I had in placed in certain areas in my apartment. I highly recommend this fabulous read. You can order your copy here.
ONE lucky person can also win a copy of this ebook. Firstly, share this post with anyone you feel would love to give their space some Feng Shui lovin’ and try out at least one of this self-love tips above. Tell us how you feel in the comments below by 22nd November and a winner will be chosen. Good luck!