It’s the time when I share the wonderful work that a practitioner is doing with their clients and how they also incorporate the use of the Alchemical oils into their practice. Today we will hear from the lovely Donella Storey of Meraki Healing in Melbourne, Australia. Donella is a kinesiologist and in a similar way to many amazing practitioners, Donella came to kinesiology through her own healing process.
A little bit about the work you are doing?
I am a Kinesiologist with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Disability Studies). From my own personal journey, I discovered Kinesiology and it totally changed my life. It has healed me in so many ways, brought such love and gratitude to my world, increased my personal power and self-worth and I wanted to share that with other people. Everything you need is within you.
Kinesiology taps into your personal wisdom and allows healing and growth on all levels; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I specialise in anxiety and trauma and empowering people to unleash the potential within. Helping people heal, increasing their self-esteem, self-worth and love in their lives is one of my greatest passions and joys. Trauma plays a huge part in how our bodies react to situations and the way we feel about ourselves. Any past trauma can cause tension in the jaw muscles, creating structural and neurological imbalances, dehydration and mineral deficiency as well as affecting us emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
This can cause a number of illnesses like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and arthritis and may lower our self esteem and self worth. Often being in unhappy relationships, stuck in a dead end job, lack of money, not being able to ask for what we want and deserve and just not enjoying our lives is due to our lack of self worth and fear.
So by balancing the energetic blockages like sabotage programs, limited beliefs or doing a trauma balance, as an example, we can start to heal, start to take responsibility for our lives, the way we want to live and clear the way to achieve the things we want to. We can move where we want to; we can start to feel worthy and start to truly love ourselves for who we are and the lives we live. By celebrating our uniqueness and our differences, by being our true authentic selves, we allow others to be their true selves. What an amazing gift to give to the world.
How do you use the Alchemical oils to support your work?
I love using the alchemical oils and they really support and add so much to a Kinesiology balance and the work I do. I use the alchemical oils in a number of different ways.
Often the body will want an affirmation as information to add to the balance, so by using muscle testing, I will see what the client requires. I will add the relevant affirmation from the oils and then place the oils on the body if needed to support and go into the body at a deeper level.
I use the oil on my hands during the balance and let the oil work at an energetic level and as an aura cleanser. I love working with the chakras, and have found that often the correction that needs to occur in a balance will be in one or more of the chakras.
I will muscle test to see if I need to use an alchemical oil to aid the clearing and balancing of the chakras and which particular oil is needed. I then place the oil on my hands and ask the client to smell the oil and then place my hand where I need to, to clear the energetic blockage.
I will always muscle test to see the best way to use the oils. Not only is this helping energetically, but also the smell of the oils is often very comforting for the client and the vibration of the oils helps the body to clear and integrate. It means that more of the sensors are activated, so the correction will be deeper. How cool is that?!?
How do you feel they support you?
I personally use the oils to work with the energy or the issues that I am facing. If I want to work with my relationship with money, then I will use abundance and receive. If I feel that I am not being kind enough to myself I will use self-love, goddess, forgiveness or joy.
The beauty of knowing how to muscle test means that I can check to see which oil I should use for my highest good and the good of the clients I will be seeing that day. I will often rub it onto my heart chakra or follow the advice on the bottles as to where I should place them and then say the affirmation for that oil. They are such a powerful tool to have in my kit to use with my clients.
They support my work at so many levels and add a sensory element that I could not possibly access without the alchemical oils. My clients get excited when they need alchemical oil during the session, and always want to know which one they have picked. Always it will resonate with them.
Any in particular that come up regularly?
It is really interesting to see the theme with the oils. I went through a stage of using abundance oil a lot and for a number of reasons for each client. Another stage was peace and at the moment I am finding a lot of people are choosing clarity and joy. Really fantastic themes to be working with.
Any specific examples you can give of situations?
One of my clients said that one of the oils I used during a balance reminded him of his mother and he said he felt really safe and nurtured because of that smell. This allowed such a deeper correction for him. How beautiful is that?!?
Another lovely lady was having a soul integration balance and she picked Inspiration during the correction stage. The look on her face when she smelt the oil and when it was used during the correction was pure joy. So lovely! I am truly blessed and oh so grateful for the work I do.
Any surprisingly or unusual experiences?
One morning I decided to work with the energies of letting go of some things that no longer served me, so I used Let Go(d) alchemical oil during my meditation. It was a beautiful meditation and I felt really good afterwards, and I then went off to work. My first client for the day also picked Let Go(d) during her session. She said that it was really relevant to what she was going through and what we were working with during her balance. I laughed and told her about what I had been doing that morning and the oil I chose. Oh how I love synchronicities!
Thank you so much Donella for sharing how you work and what you are experiencing with your clients. To find out more about Donella’s work and to book an appointment with her, check out her details here.