Sacred Self Mentoring
Ready for a Seasonal Shift?
Every woman has a story.
Not every woman wants the same thing.
Every woman’s life path is equally valid and sacred.
Despite years of social conditioning that tell you otherwise: you have innate wisdom that runs deeper. Eons deeper. The more we align ourselves with the seasons and cycles of nature, the more our lives flow. This is something I’ve been consciously working with and my life has unfolded in unexpected ways. I invite you to join me on this mystery tour.
Is this you?
You’re ready to be completely honest with yourself about what matters.
You’re called to live a life beyond labels and limitations.
You’re seeking the answers to the big questions.
You’re brave enough to connect to your inner wisdom and listen to the answers, even when they’re uncomfortable.
Especially when they’re uncomfortable. Change is uncomfortable.
You yearn to create from your magical centre.
You know you’re not fully expressed. So what would a fully-expressed life look like?
True wisdom can be accessed if you’re brave enough to venture into the mystery within.
The primordial creative feminine has been hunted, suppressed and denied. Most dangerously – packaged as pretty, pink and palatable.
Is it time to tune into your deepest source of wisdom, accessed directly from your sacred womb and heart spaces?
If you’re willing to dive deeply into your sacred self and claim your magical gifts, you are not alone. At this time, many of us are reclaiming our power, beyond the categories we don’t fit into. There’s a reason for that…and we cannot control the outcomes of this sacred quest.
A new archetype of woman is being born; one who is birthing their true self into the world.
I would love to walk beside you as you surrender to the sacredness within and allow your innate gifts to guide you.
Who am I?
I’m Michelle Marie McGrath, and if you’ve read my About Me page, you’ll know that for a long time I’ve been on a journey of deep self-enquiry, which has led me to living from a place of self-love, truth and freedom. For many years, I was constantly seeking externally for answers, exhausted by the opinions of others and ignoring my inner knowing.
I trusted my intuition when in service of others, but not so much when it came to myself. Along the way, I unintentionally created a business channelled from my creativity, intuitive gifts and yearning for deeper self-acceptance, called Sacred Self. I am here to remind you that the love and answers you are seeking lie within.
You already are enough and I’ll remind you, whilst you enter your sacred portal and emerge with a fresh perspective.
I’m part of a growing collective of women who are heading straight to their own creative chalice or cauldron for answers. We’re connecting to our wombs to birth new ways of being a woman on the planet today.
Are you called to walk this spiral path of truth?
How we work together
This 3 month seasonal journey is based on three pillars:
Self-love, truth and freedom.
How can you experience healthy relationships with others without being truly intimate and honest with yourself?
There is a deeper part of you that always knows what you need.
Being honest with ourselves and removing the masks that we hide behind creates greater freedom in our lives. This can take time and a commitment to walk our own path, and not one that is determined by others’ beliefs and expectations.
Finding this place is one thing. Letting it guide your life is nothing short of revolutionary.
If you’ve been taught to listen to outer authority, please others, play games then this isn’t a comfortable journey (far from it).
The womb is where everything begins and completes. Connecting into and consciously working with your elemental power source is essential to any lasting transformation.
Let’s explore the deeper questions that will drive this next exciting phase of your life.
Make direct contact with the seat of your intuition and home of your feminine wisdom: your womb space and your own internal medicine wheel. (just as relevant even if you don’t have a physical uterus or ovaries).
I am multi-passionate and integrate 20 years of holistic experience with training in many energetic healing modalities with professional aromatherapy, bodywork, meditation facilitation, coaching, crystal vibrational therapy, mystery school teachings, labyrinth work and vibrational essences. (More in depth detail about these on About Michelle page).
I bring all of my intuitive skills, presence and experience into everything I offer you. My soul essence will connect with yours.
Over the 3 months, you will be challenged and supported to:
- Release the unconscious beliefs and patterns that restrict your potential.
- Dismantle the pressures playing out in your psyche and/or personal relationships.
- Explore the range of possibilities available to you.
- Clarify your real desires and identify the distractions.
- Learn to connect more quickly within for specific guidance
- Clear energy blocks so your creative energy can flow freely.
- Embrace the many aspects of yourself that you’ve kept hidden, including your innate gifts.
- Clear inherited beliefs and stories from your Motherline and Fatherline to consciously create a new path – that is truly yours.
Ultimately, you will have dived deeply into the places most dare not go – for fear of the answers not being what seems ‘logical’ or ‘right’.
Something new wants to birth through you: will you allow it?
The art of allowing and receiving is a feminine principle that few trust or know how to use wisely. This is what I live, learn and practice. Not always pretty. Not easy. Do I always get it ‘right’? No. Do I constantly float around in a blissful state wearing a rainbow-coloured kaftan with my smudge sticks, bidding everyone ‘Namaste’? Nope. A practice means we need to practise. The deeper I go, the more I realise I don’t know about the mystery of life and so much for me has been about surrendering into this ‘not knowing’ and seeing what emerges.
Once embarking on this (often) rocky but sacred path, life is never quite the same. It opens up in magical and mysterious ways. I believe, there is no turning back. I have learnt to welcome the darkness, which means I appreciate the light.
So what you will receive on this journey:
- A potent cocktail of 12 sessions conducted on a fortnightly basis during our season together.
- These will include: a stream of inspiration session, womb awakening, energetic and distant healing processes, coaching, aromatherapy, vibrational essence suggestions, a good sense of humour (essential) and straight talking.
- A couple of alchemical oils from the self-love range to support the intention for your process.
- A couple of journal prompt audios for your sacred self-enquiry.
My approach is driven by curiosity, powerful questions, presence and a desire to see you blossoming into the fulfilment of all you can and want to embody. You will benefit from my intuitive ability to zoom in on avoidance areas and long-held patterns that are ready to be dissolved. I’ve worked on enough of my bullshit excuses and ingrained patterns over the years to recognise them.
This is for women who feel called to answer the deep questions and create their own authentic expression of womanhood… whatever that looks like.
There is no wrong or right, only what is ‘right’ for YOU.
The next step is simple and pressure-free.
Let’s connect for a complimentary intro session. I will send you through a short questionnaire prior to our time, so you can focus on what your priorities are. In our 45 minutes together, we’ll determine if this is right for you.
Simply contact me below to arrange your special time. Next client intakes will begin from 16th October 2020 at the new moon. I have a new offering that is birthing at 31st October and you will be amongst the first to receive it at the start of your mentoring with me.
This is an exciting time in our evolution as women to embody more self-love, joy, wisdom, creativity.