Are you about to take a big leap of faith? Then today I have a treat for you – a guest post from the lovely Rachel MacDonald. Rachel is a life and blog coach, joy enthusiast and creator of In Spaces Between an inspiration-packed site for women who want to live big, beautiful, completely fulfilling lives.
If you haven’t already found Rachel, then I urge you to check out her online space of inspiration and authenticity.
My body had been throwing out blatant clues for the majority of 2012.
The months started to compartmentalise into the week I’d feel electric, energetic and on top of things, the week or two I’d feel good but neither here nor there about my work situation and the week I always dreaded – the one where the to-do’s would pile up, my hormones would go haywire and I’d fall behind on blogging, emails and the mountain of other things going on outside of work.
The question would tug at my sleeve relentlessly: Why am I sitting here, tight-chested, tired, overwhelmed, resentful and longing to be doing my own thing and not actually doing my own thing?
Why, indeed. Sometimes things happen in a flash and others they take their sweet time and in my case, it was a bit of both. Three things happened next, in quick succession, getting me off the emotional merry-go-round, out the door and into the meaningful work I know I’m meant to be doing (much faster than expected), and I want to share with you how it all unfolded.
I started seeing a kinesiologist. In my first session, she told me my energy was in a state of complete disarray. Blocked and bamboozled. “This might sound strange” she said “but it’s like you’re leading a double life.” Most of the time, I felt like I was, in the un-sexiest way possible. We’re not talking aprons by day, suspender stockings by night – we’re talking desperately counting down the hours so I could get home and tend to my “real work” at night.
I enlisted the support of a beautiful coach. And on our first coaching call, she said the words that stayed with me as I handed in my resignation and radiantly embraced my new business: “There will never be a perfect time.”
The thing is, turns out it actually was the perfect time…but only after I declared it to be so.
I turned 30. I’ve never been one to get hung up on age – in fact, I couldn’t have been happier to dance my way into my 30’s – but birthdays always seem to bring about a spot of self-reflection, and as I rounded the corner to the big three-OH, it became very obvious that there was no point hanging out on cusp of transformation forever. It was time to harness all that passion and enthusiasm I’d been playing with outside my day job and finally – finally! – step off the safe path.
And so I did. Without a plan, but with a boatload of faith in my back pocket.
I trusted my intuition and my support crew, but I still expected to feel scared.
I imagined I’d feel troubled about “something” – money, the how’s of setting up a business, the epicness of the change, whether it would all be too hard and I’d have to crawl back to the corporate world with my tail between my legs. Those thoughts had popped up often during the year and I just expected they’d be par for the course when I made the big leap.
But instead – and this still kind of blows my mind – I felt absolutely calm. Insanely happy. Guided and supported. Cheered on. Raised up. Wholly at ease – even when my colleagues asked “Will you have enough money?” and gave me the look (you know the one).
There was a mighty, roaring yes in my heart, and if I’ve learnt anything in the past two months it’s that the moment you say yes, the Universe will wrap you up in a big bear hug, let out a giant WHOOP, and groove with you as you honour yourself and exceed your own expectations.
There’s incredible joy on the other side of confusion and self-doubt. If you’re hearing the call as well – go there. It’s a beautiful place to be.
Thank you so much Rachel, for that beautiful reminder that when we take steps forward to our heart’s desires, the universe will rush in to support us if we can get out of our own way.
For more information about Rachel, check her out at In Spaces Between You can also download her FREE eBook More Magic, All the Time: 20 Ways to Create Your Best Life Ever.