Bluebell Magic pack




Native bluebells are a protected species worldwide and the sign of an ancient woodland. More than half of the world’s bluebell population are in the United Kingdom. Traditionally connected with the elemental kingdom and the fae folk, bluebells have a very special magical quality. I’ve been gradually dripfed information about a Blue Bluebell Essence and a White bluebell essence that are very connected to deep solar plexus and sacral healing of the creative inner child and repairing woundings created during the age groups 7-14 (white) and 0-7 (blue) message: I am the Bluebell Queen, Midwife of childhood dreams.  These are to be worked with together as a package with the supporting alchemical oils of Self-love and Innocence. These are energetic healing tools to help us reconnect to childlike wonder and creativity. 

The bluebell magic packs consists of the following five (5) physical items:

Blue bluebell vibrational essence (I am the Bluebell Queen, midwife of childhood dreams)

White bluebell vibrational essence (I embody my uniqueness within a sea of sameness).

Self-love Alchemical oil (I love and accept myself)

Innocence Alchemical oil (I am a Divine child)

Bluebell soy candle tin (an example pictured below but these are all different)


You will also receive the link to a bluebell invocation song and suggested ways to use and work with essences, as per received guidance.

These packs will be completed before end May 2021 and so you will receive in June (depending on where you are in the world).

If you feel like you are in a completion/finalising/grief cycle/tieing up of loose ends then you might benefit from firstly working with Eldlerflower/Completion duo.





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