Stream of Inspiration Scrying Audio


Your stream of inspiration scrying session connects to water-related insights and is an uplifting channelled message with intuitive guidance.


Stream of Inspiration Scrying session

Would you like a personal audio containing a healing stream of intuitive inspiration to give you an uplifting boost? In recent years I’ve been blessed beyond belief to enjoy the special magic of my home – Rosemere.

Your stream of inspiration session is a personalised transmission I receive and relay to you. This is an uplifting channelled message with intuitive guidance, releasing emotional stagnation, repressed feelings, creativity, often tapping into your innate gifts and a blessing for your motherline. The stream goes where it’s most needed into the energy field and I follow it clairvoyantly. I’ve always been a seer and feel extremely blessed to have been gifted this opportunity by the stream.

Every session is personalised to the individual. I never know what is going to come through.

I work with either a chalice or glass cauldron and scry with these sacred vessels in the stream. These are only available in limited timeslots, as per the guidance I receive. Next time slot is listed below and updated as the dates are revealed. Once the spots are full, that’s it until the next time.

The transmission time will be for 20-30 minutes

How did the ‘Streams of Inspiration’ start?

Towards the end of 2019, I had a very vivid dream where I saw myself recording ‘Stream of Inspiration’ sessions for others at limited openings during the year. I saw myself painting a sign with the words on it. I’ve learnt to trust my dreams as they’re often filled with very specific guidance. I was so surprised but knew I needed to act up on it. 

Next dates: Dates added as received intuitively.

1st February 2025 – Imbolc (a few spaces left)
1st March 2025 – new moon in Pisces 

See little video clip here.

Availability: Limited spots on specific dates as per guidance received from Deva of the stream.

1 Dec, 15+ 16 November Sold Out 10th March Sold Out 27th Nov, 11th Nov, Sold Out 4th July + 21 + 22nd June, 2 May + 22 April + Sold Out 1 April 2023 + 20 Feb + 3 March + 7 March Sold Out  21 Jan+ Jan 2023 – Sold Out +12 December + 21 December 2022 Sold Out 13 + 20 February 2022 – Sold Out – 30 January 2022 – Sold Out 16 January + 2 January 2022 Sold Out – 11th + 12th December 2021 Sold Out 19th Nov 2021 –Sold Out  7th Nov + 10th Nov 2021 – Sold Out  10th & 11th April 2021 – Sold Out 27th & 28th March 2021 – Sold Out, 13th & 14th March 2021 – Sold Out 9th & 10th Jan 2021 – Sold Out 1st & 2nd May 2020 – Sold Out 21st & 22nd March – Sold Out 11th & 12th Jan 2020Sold Out, 29th and 30th Dec 2019Sold Out


An additional bonus to anyone who books one of these sessions: you will be able to purchase a half-price bottle of Inspiration Alchemical oil (affirmation: I am inspired) + free postage with Europe + flat postage rate for rest of the world. Each time you need a stream of inspiration during the year you can re-listen and receive the blessings. 

You can sample what the stream sounds like at this gift Self-Commitment activation here

What others have said about their Stream of Inspiration session:

My Stream of Inspiration session with Michelle has been a catalyst for deep and empowering healing. Two days prior, I felt the energy of the session activate, as I went into a visceral experience, releasing very old embodied family and ancestral imprints. Once I received Michelle’s audio and written messages, it brought greater richness, context, colour, and support to what had been unfolding. Her reflections also opened new doors and provided pathways of exploration to deepen my personal medicine. Practically speaking, some of Michelle’s suggestions acted as nudges towards a more easeful and aligned direction. Three months on and much has shifted in very significant ways. I am deeply appreciative of Michelle’s strong ability to clearly channel my stream of inspiration (without human or personal distortion), as well as her Truth-telling capacity, always delivered with love and kindness. Thank you so much Michelle x Mel F

It’s within the water element that I always receive wisdom and guidance, and the stream of inspiration delivered this in spades. In this session, I received flashes of insight, clarity and strong affirmation of different aspects of my life as a particular chapter is ending. Post session I feel the currents pulling me in very specific directions and I feel calm, focused, prepared and even more connected with nature as a result. Thank you Michelle and the stream at Rosemere for this special gift. Megan E


Having worked with Michelle over the last decade I deeply respect her wisdom, depth of experience and she has one of the strongest psychic channels of anyone I know. When she launched the Stream of Inspiration offering I knew I needed to have one.  What a unique, truly beautiful, deeply powerful healing experience. In the days leading up to the session I could feel my crown chakra gently tingling and felt the sensation of light pouring through my energy field. I felt a definite shift in my mental, emotional and physical body as it received the healing from the water.  What came through was spot on, very helpful and has given me crystal clear clarity on how I can move ahead and best use my own creative energy in my life and work. Thank you Michelle.”  Sara B
What an incredible experience! I really had no idea what to expect from the “Steam of Inspiration” session but I followed the curious pull and I’m delighted with it! Not only is the stream BEAUTIFUL to listen to, incredibly healing, but the guidance that came through was so spot on – covering everything from help with releasing stuck emotions, physical body support, places to visit, nuggets of information to help me come to a sense of peace about a decision I’ve been trying to make and some exciting threads to open up to and follow for the future. Incredible – and what’s amazing is that I didn’t tell Michelle anything in advance, it all flowed through her in the most perfect way! I highly recommend a session, let go and allow it to flow. Magical.” ~ Amy M
Michelle’s inspiring session of validation by the stream of loving intent, truly felt like it was from the Grail Cup of my Soul’s desire, to finally release any and all past issues that have held me from living life with the inner sense of personal affirmation and authenticity. The timing was perfect and Michelle’s respect, honesty and dedication to allow her intuition to flow with the stream, felt light, magical and above all cleansing. Listening to the running waters of Rosemere throughout the session was very healing allowing what felt like a crystal clear effortless releasing on all levels of my Mind Body and Spirit. It is a stream of soul regeneration facilitated gently & beautifully by Michelle, with the deva of the healing spring imparting a sense of completion, of hope and new beginnings to be embraced. Each day since my session, I have felt lighter, burdens of the past lifted and understood. A great sense of excitement prevails as I step into the next chapter of this wondrous life. Thanks Michelle. – Annie E

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