It’s ‘Practitioner of the Month‘ time again and today, I have a post from the lovely Sara Brooke of Space In Between.  Sara is a Reiki and Meditation Teacher and also facilitates Vision Board workshops in Melbourne, Australia.  Today, we will hear from Sara how Reiki works and how she incorporates the use of Sacred Self’s Alchemical oils in to her practice with clients.

Each day we are given 100% of our own life force “energy” and it is our responsibility as humans how we manage this. We can invest our energy into things that are beneficial and empowering, and like money, if you are making a good investment, you will get a good return.  Alternatively when we repeatedly invest in things that deplete our energy like worry, stress, fear, etc you are making a bad investment, you become drained.

A Reiki session (either in person, or via distance) gives you an opportunity to get your tank of life force energy “filled up”. The healing energy allows you to gain clarity and awareness of how you are managing your own energy and then assists you in transforming any blocks, stoppages, limiting beliefs, fear or old emotions that you may be holding within that are keeping you stuck.

Reiki sessions are always different each time, as the intelligent healing consciousness gives the person exactly what they need in that moment depending on their current state. You don’t have to have something “wrong” with you to get a Reiki treatment, it is just a lovely opportunity to be able to “be” within your life for a moment and be filled up with love and grace, and who doesn’t want more of that?!

I have been practising Reiki for over eight years now and continue to fall more in love with the process with every session. My client sessions have become quite fluid and flowing over the last few years as I integrate a number of other tools and techniques into the session depending on what I am intuitively guided the client needs. Guided visualisation, meditation, focusing therapy, theta healing, crystals and sound play a regular role and I have been using Michelle’s alchemical oils for the last two years with great success.

The alchemical oils really support and enhance my sessions. I choose the oils based on what I intuitively feel the client needs. I typically place the oil on my palms and wrists, so that as I am working energetically and touching the client they will be able to smell the oil and I can work it through their meridians and chakras. I also place the oil on the client’s skin directly and common places tend to be the temples, throat, or on their wrists and ask them to inhale it. This helps them become really immersed in the sensory experience and allows the energetic properties of the oils fully integrate.

I find the oils are fabulous for bringing a person (and myself) into a space of pure presence. So for that reason, I also include the oils in my weekly meditation classes. I use a different one each week and its always interesting to see the results and reactions from my students. I also love using the oils in each of the workshops I run as there is one that works perfectly for each of them!

My soul vision board workshop – Abundance and Freedom are brilliant, for my spiritual development, ‘Wisdom’ is lovely and while teaching Reiki I am currently loving misting (just popping some of the oil in a water mister) Sanctuary over the students after their initiation attunements. It smells divine.


I find it fascinating to hear the different ways that various holistic practitioners use the Alchemical oils in their practice and which ones are prominent.  Check out this brief video where Sara shares with me a bit more information about how she works.

This week I received a distance Reiki healing from Sara and a typed up report of notes of her insights. I was very taken aback at how accurate her comments were 😉  She summarised what she perceived happening in my energy field and highlighted areas for me to address in practical and specific ways. All of it was extremely relevant for me and I will be taking on board everything.  I love distance healing because it reinforces that time and space is an illusion and that we are infinitely connected to all that is.

For more information about Sara’s work, go to her site

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