Self-Love Coaching For Unclassified Women ❤
Birth Your Most Empowered Self ❤
For women who are childless or childfree ❤
So now that having children is off your agenda, what do you intend to do with your sacred life?
Chances are you’re well and truly fed up with answering these questions:
❤ So why don’t you have children yet?
❤ Are you infertile?
❤ Too career-driven are you?
❤ Better hurry up, hadn’t you? (Tick tock. Tick tock).
❤ Who’s going to look after you when you’re old?
And if, God forbid, you don’t have a partner right now, you’re also probably sick of hearing:
❤ How’s your love life?
❤ Met Mr Right yet?
❤ Perhaps it’s time you lowered your standards? (thanks Dad!)
❤ Do you want to spend the rest of your life on your own?
❤ Because you’re running out of time, aren’t you?
My philosophy? Your time isn’t running out. Your time is yours to claim.
Your life is not about conforming to the traditional paradigms of our society. What if you are here to break the mould and explore the unlimited creative potential that exists within you?
The reality: When a woman is childless or childfree, for whatever reason (hundreds), she is subjected to intrusive questions that ultimately boil down to one dangerous assumption:
What is your value beyond being a mother?
Sure, no one would ever come right out and say it to you directly. They don’t have to.
Your worth as a woman gets called into question every single time you are met with:
A raised eyebrow (“How can she not want children?”)
A slight sneer (“No kids? Isn’t that a bit selfish?”)
Or a patronising ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ (Without knowing if there’s anything to feel sorry about!).
Ever notice that a mother is never asked ‘why did you have children?’
But if a woman doesn’t have children she’s asked to explain, justify and endure external judgment daily….
We cannot change the world by wishing and hoping these expectations will disappear. However, we can change the way we feel about ourselves. We can stand up and be counted, beyond the categories we don’t fit into.
And while we’re waiting for the world to catch up, we can change the world within. We can envision and create a life of unimaginable joy and freedom.
Self-Love Coaching for Unclassified Women
My Self-Love for Unclassified Women Series is designed for women who, decidedly or not, probably won’t be mothers in the future.
This is for women who may have hoped for children and it hasn’t turned out. And it’s also for the women who have made a conscious decision that motherhood is not for them.
The reasons behind the child-less or child-free life do NOT have to be justified.
The main purpose of this Self-love Series is to help you answer the deeper questions that will drive this exciting next phase in your life.
Imagine how your life would feel if you no longer battled the awkward or intrusive questions and instead committed to answering a new powerful set of questions?
During the Self-Love for Unclassified Women Series, we explore questions like:
❤ What secret dreams have you been nursing all along?
❤ How can you contribute your creativity to the world?
❤ What is really holding you back from living life on your terms?
❤ Who are you (really) and who do you want to become?
Self-love Coaching for Unclassified women is specifically created to help amazing women, like you:
❤ Release the unconscious beliefs about femininity, fertility and maternal archetypes that restrict your potential.
❤ Dismantle the societal pressures playing out in your psyche and/or personal relationships.
❤ Explore the full range of wondrous possibilities available to you now.
❤ Clarify your real desires and let go of the distractions.
❤ Clear energy blocks so your creative energy can flow freely.
❤ Embrace the many aspects of yourself that you’ve kept hidden.
❤ Process changes to friendships and relationships you’ve endured now or in the past.
❤ Clear inherited beliefs and stories from your mother-line and father-line so you can live life on your own terms.
By the end of our series, you will:
❤ Feel less triggered by intrusive questions or events that undermine your worth.
❤ Feel more comfortable in social situations where you are the only single or child-free female.
❤ Feel energetically lighter, having shifted blocks on a cellular level.
❤ Feel clear, focussed and driven to create that is meaningful, personally fulfilling and aligned.
Most of all, you’ll have finally given yourself the permission to dream bigger and bolder that you’ve ever imagined.
I’m deeply passionate about helping women birth a loving relationship with the one who matters most: you ❤
Here’s My Self-Love Story:
I’m Michelle Marie McGrath. Like you, I’ve endured my fair share of patronising questions that have called into question my purpose, femininity and place in the world. I know first-hand that these questions and doubts can erode your self-worth and blind you to the wonderful potential available within you.
In 2003, I set an intention to open up to 100% self-love. This was the most profound commitment I have ever made. For years, I was immersed in murky places of my own mental and emotional wounds. It took me on a very intense journey through the layers that I’d created to keep me separate from self-love.
I remember as a young girl I never had a burning desire to have children. I like children and was open to the idea of them. However, I was never convinced I HAD to own one. There was a resistance that I couldn’t explain. I just didn’t believe it was going to be the central driving force of my life. I felt there were many paths available to me and I kept an open mind.
How many women feel comfortable publicly admitting that for fear of being judged? (So I am admitting it to let you know that you are not alone, if you have ever felt the same. It’s important to be extremely honest with ourselves.)
Fast-forward to my marriage and I felt mounting expectation, but remained philosophical. I now believe that the molar pregnancy I endured was a catalyst for my marriage ending a few short weeks later. While I didn’t realise it at the time, the anguish, disappointment and divorce set me on my true path.
Over the last 12 years or so I’ve been on a journey of deep self-enquiry, which has led me to where I am today: a fulfilled, happily-unclassified woman. Before embarking upon my journey to self-love I was constantly seeking externally for answers, exhausted by listening to the opinions of other people and ignoring the intuitive wisdom available to me.
Trusting myself to live life on my own terms in spite of others’ unmet expectations for me, I channeled my creativity, intuitive gifts and love into Sacred Self.
As a certified , Self-Love Mentor and holistic therapist, I am here to remind you that the love and answers you are seeking lie within. Despite years of social conditioning that tell you otherwise, you have innate wisdom that runs deeper.
The Details
❤ 12 x 60 minute Coaching Sessions, usually conducted on a fortnightly basis.
❤ Coaching is tailored to your specific needs and doesn’t follow a rigid formula.
❤ Coaching may include energetic work, distant healing processes, aromatherapy, crystals and sound healing. (If you want to see an example of a multi-passionate woman… I’m it!).
❤ Alchemical oils to support your process from the self-love range.
❤ Meditation and journalling prompt audios for your self-enquiry.
❤ Email support in between sessions.
❤ My approach is driven by powerful questions, presence and you benefit from my intuitive ability to hone in on avoidance areas (if you are committed to going there!).
❤ I do NOT work with women who are in the midst of a grief process about not being a mother. This is for women who have processed this already or don’t feel grief about their situation. The women I work with are ready to move into the next exciting phase of their life.
❤ I’m not focussed on the particular path you choose. I believe all paths are sacred. I’m only interested in helping you choose the path that is truly right for YOU ❤
So, are you ready to take full responsibility for your life, relinquish those stereotypical scripts and write your own story?
If you’ve been wondering:
What now?
What will my life look and feel like?
I’d love to help you listen to the answers deep within so you can create a life free of living up to other people’s expectations, at last! ❤ ❤ ❤
To register your interest:-
Please email me at sacred at and tell me:
Why you’re drawn to work with me?
What you’re wrestling with right now?
What’s your big dream?
I will then send you a pre-coaching questionnaire with some deep questions for you to answer. Then we will schedule a complimentary consult and discuss moving forward.
This is a really exciting time in our evolution as women and I can’t wait to share your journey into deeper self-love and self-realisation. Love Michellexx ❤ ❤ ❤
Kind words
‘Working with Michelle is transformative. From our first conversation I felt I had known her for years. Her insight and compassion allow me to shine a light on aspects of myself with ease and grace, providing opportunity for me to look at things with new eyes. Michelle’s style is so warm and natural, and her unconditional support and belief in my ability to effect change, propels me forward.’ Theresa Poole
‘Working with Michelle is a fabulous experience in putting myself first and stepping out of my comfort zone. To have the attention on me has been a challenge at times, but so much incredible growth and change has come as a result. I consider Michelle a “Self-love Guru” and I have thoroughly enjoyed putting the knowledge I already had (plus all the new things I learnt) into practice. The accountability:: perfect and what I needed to keep me on track. The changes happening in my life as a result :: soooo exciting.’ Renee Bell
“Working with Michelle via Skype has been such an expanding experience. Michelle has a gentleness and wisdom which cuts to the heart of the matter while at the same time she makes you feel totally supported and loved throughout the journey (and it is a journey of self discovery). I am so grateful to have found Michelle at this time as I was sitting in a holding pattern of procrastination, not sure how to reconnect with myself or where to set my life’s direction. With Michelle’s guidance I now have a plan of action and a direction for my future that now not only seems a possibility but a “done deal”. I cannot recommend working with Michelle highly enough.” Belinda Carpenter