by michellemariemcgrath | Nov 1, 2015 | Podcast
Welcome! My guest today is Christine Rose Elle, who is a business and life coach. She is a certified Beautiful You life coach and the founder of The Heart-Centered Coach Community. Her passions include styling, beauty, portrait photography,...
by michellemariemcgrath | Sep 21, 2015 | Podcast
Justine Brooks Froelker is a Licensed Professional Counselor, who has a private practice in St. Louis, Missouri. She is the author of the book and blog, Ever Upward. She is an advocate for breaking the shamed silence surrounding infertility, loss,...
by michellemariemcgrath | Jul 22, 2015 | Podcast
Amy E. Smith is a certified and credentialed confidence coach, a masterful speaker and personal empowerment expert. She is the founder of the Joy Junkie Enterprises and uses her role as a coach, writer, podcaster and speaker to move individuals...
by michellemariemcgrath | Jul 20, 2015 | Podcast
I’m excited to share this first episode of my new podcast, Unclassified Woman. This is a short audio where I explain why I am creating the podcast, what I hope to accomplish and who it is for! Unclassified Woman is for women who don’t have, or...