by michellemariemcgrath | Feb 8, 2016 | Podcast
Welcome! My guest today is Ashleigh Mills, who originally trained as a social worker in Australia. She worked in clinical mental health and policy for over 10 years, but then followed her heart to begin writing creatively at age 32. Ashleigh began her blog on life,...
by michellemariemcgrath | Sep 14, 2015 | Podcast
Karen Malone Wright is the creator of She is an experienced writer and communications strategist who launched her site in 2012 as a resource for and about women without children in a mom-centered world. In October 2015, Karen will host The...
by michellemariemcgrath | Aug 23, 2015 | Podcast
I’m so happy to share this episode with Lori Portka. I came across Lori a few years ago when I fell in love with her artwork. Each image has such an uplifting, loving and positive message that you can’t help but smile. I also loved her...